Scouting Class

Her hafta Cumartesi günleri 11:00-12:00 saatleri arasında izcilik çalışmaları olacaktır. Uygulamaya 7-12 yaş arası çocuklar katılabilecektir.

There is a scout program every Saturday from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. Children aged 7-12 can participate in scout classes.
Scout classes will start on 2022.06.11 and will last for 6 weeks. (The end date of the program is 2022.07.16.)
You can register by filling out the form below or by sending an email to
Note: The participation fee is 3000 yen. Participation fees will be collected by the responsible leader until 2022.06.18. (The entry fee will be used for the materials and catering used in the lesson.)

Apply Here.



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