Honorable Muslims!
In the verse I have recited, our Lord Almighty (swt) states, “Do people think once they say, “We believe,” that they will be left without being put to the test?“[i]
In the hadith I have read, our beloved Prophet (saw) says, “Have Taqwa of Allah wherever you are. And follow an evil deed with a good one to wipe it out. And treat the people with good behavior.”[ii]
Dear Believers!
Our sublime religion, Islam, is a complete whole with faith, good deeds, and good moral principles. Islam resembles a tree, with its roots being faith, its trunk being good deeds, and its fruits being good morals.
Faith is first and foremost about knowing Allah (swt) well, imprinting His existence and oneness in the heart, and recognizing that nothing or no one is the same as, similar to, or a partner with Him (swt). It is then about believing wholeheartedly in angels, divine books, prophets, the Day of Judgment, qadar and qada, and that all good and evil is due to Allah (swt).
Dear Muslims!
Good deeds refer to every kind of pleasant behavior aimed at earning Allah’s (swt) pleasure. They are about devotion to the commandment وَٱعْبُدْ رَبَّكَ حَتَّىٰ يَأْتِيَكَ ٱلْيَقِينُ “And worship your Lord until the inevitable comes your way.”[iii] and living a life conscious of servitude to Allah (swt).
Dear Believers!
Our faith is perfected when we reflect the Islamic morals in every part of our lives. In this respect, the Messenger of Allah (saw) says in one hadith, إنما بعثت لأتمم مكارم الأخلاق “I was sent to perfect good character.”[iv] Every believer who is honored to be a member of the Prophet of Mercy’s (saw) ummah beautifies their morals by taking him (saw) as example. They equip themselves with such virtues as goodness, benevolence, chastity, piety, humility, and righteousness. They strive for enabling compassion and mercy to prevail in their family and environment. They stay away from all kinds of violence, oppression, arrogance, and stinginess. They view violation of the rights of other people and the public rights as a grave sin.
So, Brothers and Sisters!
Let our faith direct our lives. Let our good deeds orient us to be proper servants of Allah (swt). Let our good morals lead us to treating people and all creation with compassion and mercy.
[i] Ankabut 29/2.
[ii] Tirmidhi, Birr, 55.
[iii] Hijr, 15/99.
[iv] Ibn Hanbal, II, 381.