Honorable Muslims!
Marriage is the command of Allah (swt) and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saw). It is a precious beginning that leads to happiness and abundance of divine blessings in this world and peace and paradise in the Hereafter. As stated by the Prophet Muhammad (saw), marriage is conducive to “protect half of the religion”. [1]
The marriage contract signing and weddings that are the first step to marriage are the ceremonies carried out along the testimonials and good wishes of our loved ones. A wedding announces that a new family is set up. Joys are shared and hopes for the future are strengthened. Prayers are uttered to Allah (swt) to bless spouses with compassion and mercy between them as well as granting healthy and benevolent generations.
Dear Muslims!
Our religion recommends that both our wedding preparations and marriage contract signing and wedding ceremonies be facilitated. As in all affairs of ours, it advises that our weddings be far from extravagance, and be rather humble. In this respect, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) states in a hadith as follows, “The best marriage is the one that is most easy.” [2]
Dear Muslims!
As in all affairs of ours, let us comply with the pleasure of Allah (swt) and the Sunnah of His Messenger (saw) in our weddings, too. Let us facilitate our marriages. Let us try to hold our weddings without getting dragged into wastefulness and extravagance. Let us have fun within the limits set out by Islam, be measured and balanced, and observe halal and haram. Let us turn our weddings into means to express our gratitude to our Lord (swt) who states in the Qur’an as follows, “And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy.” [3]
[1] Bayhaqi, Shu’ab al-Iman IV, 382.
[2] İbn Hanbal, VI, 83.
[3] Rûm, 30/21.