Honorable Muslims!
Islam disapproves laziness, irresponsibility, and unearned income. It wants all people to earn by putting in efforts and by the sweat of the brow. This is referred to in the following hadith of Prophet Muhammad, “No person has eaten better food than that which was bought from the wages which his own hands toiled.” [1]
Dear Muslims!
Islam invites us to halal and clean blessings of Allah (swt). It commands us to avoid from what is haram and evil.
It is stated in the Holy Qur’an, “And eat of what Allah has provided for you [which is] lawful and good. And fear Allah, in whom you are believers.” [2] Muslims are committed to Allah (swt) by heart. They obey the commandments of Him (swt). They stay away from His prohibitions. They earn their livelihood through legitimate means.
Dear Muslims!
Unfortunately, shortcut and effortless earning is shown as a success today. However, supposing that one makes profit by ignoring the rights of others and causing damage to the public property is actually a loss. It never complies with our faith to obtain unlawful income through deceiving other people. What falls upon Muslims is to be contented with the income earned by the sweat of the brow and work hard to earn their livelihood through halal means. Effort is from Muslims and sustenance is from Allah (swt). He never leaves unanswered any effort put in to obtain His consent.
Honorable Believers!
The Prophet Muhammad (saw) says, “O People! Fear Allah and ask for your livelihood from Him beautifully. No person will die without getting what Allah has provided for them. Then, fear Allah and ask for your livelihood from Him beautifully. Take what is halal, and leave what is haram.” [3]
Let us heed this advice of the Messenger of Allah (saw) and want halal livelihood from Allah (swt). Let us earn through halal means and spend in halal ways, and be moderate in our spending. Let us not forget that a portion of food earned by the sweat of the brow will bring peace to our homes and barakah to our lives.
[1] Bukhari, Buyu’, 15.
[2] Ma’idah, 5/88.
[3] Ibn Majah, Tijarah, 2.