

来日予定のトルコ共和国宗務庁 アリ・エルバシュ長官(Prof. Dr.)による講演のご案内です。どうぞご聴講ください。


日時: 2022年9月17日(土) 13:15 ~ 14:00
場所: 東京ジャーミイ新館地下1F エルトゥールル講堂
講師: アリ・エルバシュ トルコ共和国宗務庁 第18代長官

トルコ共和国宗務庁 第18代長官




About the Author

[Sep. 17 (Sat) 13:15~] Special Lecture: A message for young Muslims who will lead the next generation

Special lecture by Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş, President of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye, scheduled to visit Japan. Please feel free to join.

Special Lecture: A message for young Muslims who will lead the next generation

Date: 2022. Sep. 17 (Sat) 13:15 ~ 14:00
Place: Ertugrul Hall. Tokyo Camii Anex. B1F
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş
To participate, please visit: linktree

Introduction of Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş
18th President of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye

Born in 1961 in the Yeşilyurt village of Kabadüz district of the Ordu province. Graduated from the Sakarya Imam-Hatip School in 1980. He served as religious personnel in various different mosques affiliated with Diyanet’s Istanbul Mufti Office between 1982 and 1993.  Graduated from Marmara University in 1984 and completed his master’s degree at the Theology Faculty Department of Hermeneutics in 1987. In 1993, obtained a Ph.D. degree in the Department of History of Religions.

In 1993, he was appointed to the Sakarya University Theology Faculty Department of History of Religions as an associate professor. 1996-1997, carried out his research and studies at the Strasbourg Human Science University as a guest academician. He returned to Turkey at the beginning of the 1997-1998 academic year and became Associate Professor in November of 1998 and professor in January 2004. Served as the Deputy Dean at the Sakarya University Theology Faculty for five years between 1997 and 2002 and served as the Dean of the same university for two terms between 2006 and 2011.

In 2011, he was appointed to the General Directorate of Education Services at Diyanet. Appointed as the President of Diyanet on 17.09.2017. Published 12 books, speaks excellent Arabic and French. Prof. Dr. Ali Erbaş is married and a father of four.

About the Author

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